Road infrastructure support for highly automated driving
Automated vehicles, self-driving vehicles, automatisation of road infrastructure, Automated driving system, Operational Design Domain, Automated drivingAbstrakti
Bishop, Richard (2022). Autonomous Vehicles Reality Check Part 2: Robots Moving People. Forbes magazine, 22 December 2022.
Bolovinou, Anastasia; Anagnostopoulou, Christina; Roungas, Vasilis; Amditis, Angelos, et al. (2023). Use cases definition and description. Hi-Drive Designing Automation, Deliverable D3.1. Version 1.1. 131 p.
BSI (2020). Operational Design Domain (ODD) taxonomy for an automated driving system (ADS) – Specification. The British Standards Institution PAS 1883:2020. 26 p.
CCAM WG3 (2021). PDI attribute AD tasks draft working version 7. Excel workbook. CCAM Platform WG3 Physical and Digital Infrastructure, attribute table task group. 9 April 2021.
DIREC (2023). Review and Evaluation of NRAs. Digital Road for Evolving Connected and Automated Driving DIREC Deliverable D2. September 2023. 165 p.
EC (2021). Final report of the single platform for open road testing and pre-deployment of cooperative, connected and automated and autonomous mobility platform (CCAM Platform). European Commission Bruxelles, July 2021. 160 p.
EC (2022). Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/670 of 2 February 2022 supplementing Directive 2010/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the provision of EU-wide real-time traffic information services.
ERTRAC (2024). Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility Roadmap. Update of Chapter 2 "Agenda 2030" on Innovation Use Cases. 20 p.
EUSPA (2024). Galileo High Accuracy Service (HAS). European Union Agency for Space Programme, European GNSS Service Centre. Accessed 20 August 2024.
FTIA (2021). Automated Driving on Motorways (AUTOMOTO). Study of infrastructure support and classification for automated driving on Finnish motorways. Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency. Helsinki 2021. Publications of the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency 21/2021.
Germanchev, Anthony; Eastwood, Brett; Hore-Lacy, Will (2019). Infrastructure Changes to Support Automated Vehicles on Rural and Metropolitan Highways and Freeways. Road Audit (Module 2). Austroads Technical Report AP-T348-19. 90 p.
Hi-Drive (2024). Hi-Drive. Designing Automation, Addressing challenges towards the deployment of higher automation. Project web site. Accessed 20 August 2024.
Khastgir, Siddartha; Shladover, Steven; Vreeswijk, Jaap; Kulmala, Risto; Wijbenga, Anton (2022). Report on ODD-ISAD architecture and NRA governance structure to ensure ODD compatibility. TM4CAD Deliverable D2.1, version 1.0. March 2022.
Kilpiö, Ville; Kotilainen, Ilkka; Kulmala, Risto; Rantanen, Jouni; Nieminen, Jani; Hönö, Simo-Ville; Kynsijärvi, Niko; Mäkipää, Mikko; Paaso-Rantala, Harri (2024). Utilisation of commercial mobile networks in the deployment of C-ITS services. Traficom Research Reports 11/2024. 223 p.
Kulmala, Risto; Ulrich, Sandra; Penttinen, Merja; Rämä, Pirkko; Aigner, Walter; Carsten, Oliver; van der Tuin, Marieke; Farah, Haneen; Appel, Kristian (2020): Road map for developing road operator core business utilising connectivity and automation. MANTRA: Making full use of Automation for National Transport and Road Authorities – NRA Core Business, Deliverable D5.2, 30 September 2020.128 p.
Kulmala, Risto; Kotilainen, Ilkka; Kawashima, Hironao; Khastgir, Siddartha; Maerivoet, Sven; Vreeswijk, Jaap; Alkim, Tom; Wijbenga, Anton; Shladover, Steven (2023). Information exchange between traffic management centres and automated vehicles – information needs, quality and governance. TM4CAD Deliverable 3.1, Version 2.0, March 2023. 69 p.
Lytrivis, Panagiotis; Manganiaris, Stamatis; Reckenzaun, Jakob; Solmaz, Selim; Protzmann, Robert; Adaktylos, Anna-Maria; Wimmer, Yannick; Atasayar, Hatun; Daura, Xavier; Porcuna, David (2019). Infrastructure Classification Scheme. INFRAMIX – Road INFRAstructure ready for MIXed vehicle traffic flows, Deliverable D.5.4, 6/12/2019. 49 p.
SAE (2021): J3016_202104 - Taxonomy and Definitions for Terms Related to Driving Automation Systems for On-Road Motor Vehicles. SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers). 41 p.
Soni, Shubham; Chaudhary, Ravi; Alkim, Tom; Kotilainen, Ilkka; Kulmala, Risto (2024). D2.1 State of the Art of Digital Twins for Road Infrastructure and D3.1 Digital Twin State of the Art – Technical Aspects. Digital Road Operator Information and Data Strategy (DROIDS) Deliverable 12 April 2024.91 p.
Ulrich, Sandra; Kulmala, Risto; Appel, Kristian; Aigner, Walter; Penttinen, Merja; Laitinen, Jukka (2020). Consequences of automation functions to infrastructure. MANTRA: Making full use of Automation for National Transport and Road Authorities – NRA Core Business, Deliverable 4.2. 134 p.
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