Johdanto Understanding the trip making characteristics of car deficient households in Finland
car deficient households, Finnish National Travel Survey, Logistic regressions, Access to car-usageAbstrakti
In many households, there are more adults with a driving license than there are cars. These households can be considered car deficient. This research explores car deficient households in a Finnish context using data from the Finnish National Travel Survey. Using logistic regressions, the research sought to understand what variables predict if a respondent lives in a car deficient household and for respondents living in car deficient households, we sought to understand the variables the predict access to use a car as a driver. Gender, work status, age, family size, household income, and number of trips by mode and purpose were all found to predict who lives in a car deficient household. In car deficient households, gender was found to be the strongest predictor of having access to use the car. The findings support previous research and raise new topics for future study, including studying intra-household contracts and analysing the activities engaged in by car deficient households.
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